Illness is becoming a huge social and economic issue in the US. There are several reasons why sickness is exploding to epidemic proportion and they are linked to the nutritional deficiencies in our food. Food is the fuel our bodies need to function correctly. What we are doing to our food is destroying its ability to protect us against many diseases including cancer, diabetes and autoimmune disease: 1. "Green Harvesting" which is the picking of our fruits and vegetables before they are ripe on the plant. The plants create vital nutrients in the last 3 days of ripening. Phytonutrients and antioxidants that are absolutely essential to building a strong immune system. 2. Most of the modern methods of processing foods take all the vitamin and minerals out of the foods, leaving them just empty calories. 3. Chemical treatments, such as fungicides and pesticides, remove the nutrients and add toxins to our food. 4. Preparing the food in ways that are unhealthy, such as overcooking and adding large amounts of salt and sugar. When using a microwave, 90% of the nutrients are destroyed. 5. Storing food in Styrofoam. Also, using plastic containers that are not made for use with food. These containers release harmful toxins. 6. Growing produce in soil depleted of essential nutrients. 7. Pollution is causing our watering systems to be full of toxins. Cancer, diabetes and heart disease, along with 85 autoimmune diseases are on the increase. The statistics for illness is the US speak for themselves: 1 out of 3 will develop cancer. (National Cancer Institute) 1 out of 2 will die of cardiovascular disease. (American Heart Association) Diabetes is the #6 overall killer in the US, resulting in 70,000 deaths each year. (Health Education International) 3 out of 4 will develop a degenerative disease. (Center for Disease Control) More than 196,000 die and 2.2 million are injured each year by adverse reactions to prescription drugs. (Alternative Medicine, March 2000) 60% of the visits to the doctors are the result of stress related conditions. (Stein, Joel, Just Say Om, Time Magazine Aug 4, 2003) Now, let's not just wring our hands and sit by thinking there is nothing we can do. Let's take responsibility for our health and help our bodies combat the unhealthy environment we now find ourselves living in. Be proactive about your health and educate yourself. No longer is taking supplements an option, but absolutely necessary to your health and well-being. The body needs vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, and phytonutrients to fight against all the pollution and toxins. In addition, we need to build up our immune system to combat the stress in our everyday lives. Find out the Real Health Secrets so that you can survive in this toxic world. Remember, we always have a choice in making decisions concerning our health. So let's choose life and health. From more information, give me a call at 715-484-2225 or send me an email at I look forward to your questions. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol, anabolic steroids,dbol, deca,sustanon 250, anadrol,buy sustanon, buy deca durabolin, buy anadrol, buy winstrol, buy dianabol, buy deca, buy anabolic steroids, buy dbol, buy sustanon 250, buy anadrol, anavar, winstrol, winstrol depot, clenbuterol, cytomel, primobolan, primobolan depot, equipoise Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Friday, February 15, 2008
7 Secrets Why Many Diseases May Be Linked to Nutritional Def
6 Superfoods For Age-Defying Beauty!
6 Superfoods For Age-Defying Beauty! |
6 superfoods for age-defying beauty: 1) Goji Berries Goji berries, hollywoods hottest new food, are one of the most nutritionally dense foods on earth and house a staggering concentration of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytochemicals and essential fatty acids. With such an awesome constitution it is not surprising they are reputed anti-aging marvels. Originating in Tibet and greatly favoured in traditional medicine these dried berries have many noted health benefits including boosting immunity, lowering cholesterol, enhancing vision, fighting cancer cells, relieving depression and aiding weight loss. Goji berries contain 500 times more vitamin C than oranges by weight and more beta-carotene than carrots making them a superb source of vitamin A. Together with vitamin E and essential fatty acids, these berries are ideal for any anti-aging and beauty regime. They also contain polysaccharides, one of which has been found to stimulate the secretion of the rejuvenating human growth hormone by the pituitary gland, as well as B vitamins, 21 minerals and 18 amino acids. The most well documented case of longevity is that of Li Qing Yuen, who lived to the age of 252. Born in 1678, he is said to have married 14 times with 11 generations of posterity before his death in 1930. Li Qing Yuen reportedly consumed goji berries daily. A study cited in Dr. Mindell's book ‘Goji: The Himalayan Health Secret', observed that 67 per cent of elderly people that were given a daily dose of the berries for 3 weeks experienced dramatic immune system enhancement and a significant improvement in spirit and optimism. 2) Aloe Vera Foget botox, Aloe Vera increases collagen production 100% naturally for a youthful, wrinkle-free complexion and plump, beautiful skin. The ultimate botox alternative! The inner gel of the aloe vera leaf contains around 200 active compounds with over 75 nutrients. These include 20 minerals, 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins (even vitamin B12 - one of the very few plant sources of this vitamin). Aloe vera also has anti-microbial properties fighting fungi and bacteria and houses anti-inflammatory plant steroids and enzymes. Aloe vera is known to aid digestion and elimination, boost the immune system, and be highly effective at healing, moisturizing and rejuvianting the skin, naturally stimulating the production of collagen. Aloe vera is best eaten fresh when possible (you can order large aloe vera leaves which last a few weeks refridgerated). Scrape out the inside gel, avoiding the outside of the leaf which is a strong laxative, and blend with fruit for the ultimate beautifying smoothie. Aloe vera has a mild flavour though a slight bitter edge, hence is best combined with fruit. 3) Avocados Avocados are smoothing and softening for the skin and easily absorbed; compared with almond, corn, olive, and soybean oils, avocado oil has the highest skin penetration rate. Avocado also contains vitamin E (excellent for the skin), antioxidant carotenoids and the master antioxidant glutathione that is exceptionally powerful and has anti-carcinogenic potential. High levels of glutathione are found in the liver where the elimination of toxic materials takes place. Glutathione is effective against pollutants such as cigarette smoke and exhaust fumes as well as ultra-violet radiation. Research is currently exploring the potential benefits of glutathione for numerous conditions including cancer, heart disease, memory loss, arthritis, Parkinson's disease, eczema, liver disorders, heavy metal poisoning and AIDS. 4) Chlorella The nucleic acids RNA and DNA in Chlorella (one of the highest known sources of such) direct cellular growth and repair and enable our bodies to utilize nutrients more effectively, eliminate toxins and avoid disease. The production of nucleic acids in the body declines progressively as we age, which is no doubt why their intake is recommended by Dr. Benjamin Frank in ‘The No-Aging Diet'. Paul Pitchford in ‘Healing With Whole Foods' writes that ‘insufficient nucleic acid causes premature aging as well as weakened immunity', Research at the Medical College of Kanazawa in Japan found that mice that were fed chlorella had a 30 per cent increase in life span. Replenishing RNA and DNA can be key to overall health, immunity and longevity. In addition to nucleic acids, chlorella is jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and amino acids, making it an incredibly rejuvinating and health-promoting superfood. Spirulina is a virtuous equivalent. 5) Bee pollen When it comes to young and beautiful skin, bee pollen has outstanding gifts. Swedish dermatologist Dr. Lars-Erik Essen uses bee pollen to successfully treat acne and other skin conditions and observes it's beautifying and anti-aging effects. He reports that bee pollen ‘seems to prevent premature aging of the cells and stimulates growth of new skin tissue. It offers effective protection against dehydration and injects new life into dry cells. It smoothes away wrinkles and stimulates a life-giving blood supply to all skin cells.' He believes it's skin rejuvintoin properties are due to its high concentration of nucleic acids RNA and DNA, as well as its natural antibiotic action. Bee pollen has a host of other health-promoting benefits that include fighting infections, lowering cholesterol, strengthening the blood, Boosting the immune system, increasing physical strength and stamina, aiding longevity and enhancing libido! It has been called a 'prefect food' because it is so nutritionally complete. 6) Coconut oil Coconut oil speeds up your metabolism and can actually help you loose weight. It is also incredibly beautifying and moisturizing for the skin and has antioxidant properties which protect against free-radical damage, keeping the skin youthful and healthy. Taken internally or externally coconut oil is a great ally for any beauty skin care regime. It also contains lauric acid, an anti-microbial fatty acid that kills bacteria, viruses and fungi. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... 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Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Can you Don a Bikini and Hit the Beach Using the South Beach
Diet books and fad diets are nothing new. It seems every few months there's a new weight loss program being touted by the so-called experts as the "new miracle diet". We, as consumers, are bombarded by before and after pictures and testimonials from people who have successfully lost weight with some fabulous new program. Two years ago, another new diet book hit the shelves. It was called "The South Beach Diet", written by Dr. Arthur Agatston. Since its release in 2003, The South Beach Diet has been listed on the New York Times' bestseller list for an impressive 103 weeks. Dr. Agatston has released companion books, started a fee-based website, and is working with Kraft Foods to create a line of pre-packaged South Beach menu items. How is this diet any different from the others, and more importantly, does it work? The main idea behind South Beach is to eat three meals a day along with snacks and even dessert, while avoiding highly processed foods. Dr. Agatston says that South Beach is not low carb or low fat, but rather good carb and good fat. The diet is broken down into three phases: phase one is very restrictive and lasts about two weeks, phase two is much more open with food choices and lasts until you reach your goal weight, and phase three is called 'maintenance', which should guide your food choices for the rest of your life. During phase one, you can eat until you are full (not stuffed full, just no longer hungry) from a list of approved foods. The list consists of mainly vegetables and lean meat, including seafood, as well as low fat or fat-free dairy products and legumes. You can have sugar-free Jell-o or popsicles as treats; up to 75 calories worth per day. Nuts and natural peanut butter are also on the list, but with limits. You're basically giving up bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and sugar in all of its forms. The South Beach Diet book claims that you can lose 8-13 pounds in just two weeks on phase one, and that you will lose belly fat first. Phase two widens your menu quite a bit. You can now eat whole grain bread and pasta, brown rice, select fruits, and (my personal favourite) sugar-free Jell-o pudding. Still no sugar though, except for the occasional bite of dark chocolate. Good carbs in the form of whole grains and legumes, and good fats in the form of unsaturated, non-hydrogenated things like I Can't Believe it's Not Butter spray and olive oil are all approved. Once you've reached your goal weight, you're pretty much on your own. Phase three lets you eat within the phase two guidelines, adding occasional treats and 'white' food, but omitting the snacks you've come to depend on. There isn't much guidance here, since by now you should know what your body is able to handle. Dr. Agatston recommends that you return to phase two if you find yourself gaining weight again. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it? The book even claims that you don't need to exercise to lose weight with this plan (although it does recommend that you add physical activity as part of your weight loss effort). While the eating plan is certainly healthy, there are some drawbacks to this diet - or at least with the way it is presented. Phase one is very restrictive. Sure, you're only on it for two weeks, and the potential weight loss is very encouraging. Many people, however, do not lose the 'guaranteed' 8-13 pounds in phase one and get discouraged. Not only that, but suddenly dropping all sugar and refined carbs from your diet can cause dizziness, light-headedness, an inability to focus or concentrate, and constipation (believe it or not). This rapid weight loss phase is designed to control your cravings, but sometimes the side effects just aren't worth it. If you think you can manage your cravings, head straight for phase two. South Beach also recommends that you use sugar substitutes, specifically Splenda. Some people have trouble digesting aspartame, while others prefer to avoid one unhealthy substance and substitute it with a chemically processed alternative. Explore your options in this case - there are other ways to sweeten foods without sugar or chemicals. While you're on phase two, your weight loss should slow down to one or two pounds a week, according to the book. This is reasonable, and slow weight loss is definitely healthier than dropping pounds rapidly. It is a balanced diet and has great effects on your health, with the added benefit of losing unwanted pounds. What is confusing as far as the book is concerned though is that there are ingredients in the recipes that aren't found on the recommended "Foods to Enjoy" list. Also, Dr. Agatston asks that you add grains and fruit back to your diet slowly; only one serving a day to start, and gradually increase your servings until you find your weight loss slowing down. If you follow the daily menu plans in the book though, there are several fruit and grain servings for each day. For anyone who needs a structured plan based on numbers, The South Beach Diet is not the way to go. But if you like the freedom of not having to count anything and using common sense to lose weight, then South Beach is more of a strategic eating plan than a rigid diet and would work very well for you. Keep in mind that all diets revolve around the same principal: take in fewer calories than you burn off. Burn more calories than you consume, and the weight will come off. Eating well and enjoying healthy food is integral to this process, and that's where The South Beach Diet shines. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. 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Brown Sea Vegetation - Not as Bad as You Might Think
Out of the three sea plant categories, the red sea plants, the green sea plants, and the brown sea plants, brown sea plants are the most commonly known around the world. Brown sea plants are found in the many kelp beds around the world, and are usually the ones we have to deal with when swimming in the coast. Brown sea plants are good for your body because of what all they can do. They contain alginic acid which combines with the toxins that are in your intestines and it makes it to where they can not be digested, and then it carries them out of your body. The vitamins and minerals most commonly found in brown sea plants can include iodine, calcium, copper, Vitamin E, zinc, silicon, chlorophyll, and more. All of these vitamins and minerals are needed in your body every day. The food pyramid that you learned back in elementary school, is based on the intake of these vitamins and minerals. This means that, where as the pyramid calls for eight servings of something per day just to get the right fill, you could replace that with a type of brown sea vegetation instead. There is one type of brown plant, the Fucus Gardener, which is used for heart burn control. Brown sea vegetation has a high amount of alginic acid in it, which is only found in sea grown plants. Some scientists even believe that eating some types of brown sea vegetation can help lower the risks for neurological problems such as schizophrenia. Brown sea plants also don't taste as bad as they may look. Brown sea vegetation in all is actually one of the few types of plant that can give you more of what you need without the plant having to be put through all different types of processes. There are no factories needed for these plants, and no risky pesticide either. Green Sea Vegetation While Green sea vegetation does not offer as much as the other two do, what it lacks in quantity, it makes up for with what It can do. Green sea plants can be found in both salt and fresh water, can be either really small or really large, and has the biggest amount of chlorophyll in the plant world. Unlike the other sea plant types, green sea plants depend almost entirely on the sun, and are more commonly found in shallow waters. The benefits of eating green sea plants in a diet is that they help boost your immune system, can be used for stomach pains and problems, and can also fight allergic reactions. Green sea plants can also help make your liver healthier, controls blood clotting, fights free radicals, lowers cholesterol levels, enhances skin, decreases high blood pressure, and stabilizes blood sugar in the body. The studies that have been done on some green sea plants has come up with some really good findings. The plants showed the ability to reduce fat cells, kill cells that cause diseases, and all together clean the body of toxins. The things that green sea plants can do are simply amazing, they have been shown to kill some cancerous cells in the human body, have been used for years to stop infections, lower inflammations and help maintain healthy cells in the nerves of our body. They also have a high number of iron in them, more then that found in an egg yolk. Due to this, green sea plants are also used to help with problems caused by having low iron in the body. Arthritis is also some what cured with these plants and they can be used to help with osteoporosis as well. With everything that this small group can do, it's a wonder why we have not been eating and using sea plants in our lives to help with so many of the problems we have. Just this small group can do more for us then what land plants can. Stey Tuned for Article on Red Sea Vegation 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol, anabolic steroids,dbol, deca,sustanon 250, anadrol,buy sustanon, buy deca durabolin, buy anadrol, buy winstrol, buy dianabol, buy deca, buy anabolic steroids, buy dbol, buy sustanon 250, buy anadrol, anavar, winstrol, winstrol depot, clenbuterol, cytomel, primobolan, primobolan depot, equipoise Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Book Review - Ultrametabolism The Simple Plan for Automatic
"No wonder it's so hard to lose weight- our bodies are designed to keep weight on at all costs; it's a matter of survival. It's embedded in our DNA." In essence, we are designed to gain weight, expounds Mark Hyman, M.D. in his new bestselling book Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss. This books follows on the heels of his previous bestseller, UltraPrevention: The 6-Week Plan that Will Make You Healthy for Life that he coauthored and proves to be every bit as informative. Dr. Hyman, who has a passion for the cutting-edge science of Western medicine and alternative health for over 20 years, maintains that Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss is not just another of many weight loss books on the market. Rather, the book is your body's owner's manual for overall health. He distills his knowledge into a healthy lifestyle, which reduces the factors of a number of epidemic health problems and degenerative diseases currently plaguing us, while at the same time we also gain the positive side-effect of weight loss. Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss dives in by turning much of what we believe as conventional wisdom concerning weight loss on its head. Much of what we think we know about weight loss actually has been making us gain weight. As evidence, the book points to the fact that despite the $50 billion we spend on weight loss every year in America, whether it's diet pills, programs or exercise routines, they all have a dismal success record. In fact, for every diet we go on, we end up gaining five pounds on average in the long run. Obesity is now overtaking smoking as the number one cause of preventable deaths with almost 70 percent of the adult population and one third of our children now overweight. Compounding the problem are the profitable foods the food industry pushes, entrenched pharmaceutical companies and our own government's recommendations, especially when it comes to the "food pyramid" or low fat in our diets. In part I, Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss exposes seven hoary myths that make us unhealthy, gain weight and keep it on. First there is the Starvation Myth: Eating less and exercising more does not equal weight loss. Next is the Calorie Myth: All calories are created equal. Third is the Fat Myth. Eating fat makes you fat. Fourth is the Carb Myth. Eating a low carb or no carb diet will make you thin. Fifth is the Sumo Wrestler Myth: Skipping meals helps you lose weight. Sixth is the French Paradox Myth: The French are thin because they drink wine and eat butter, and last but not least is the Protector Myth: Government food policies and food industry regulations protect our health. Moreover, the book points out that the introduced man-made substances such as "trans-fats", which are found in nearly every processed and packaged food because they never spoil, are adding to our overall exploding health and weight problems over the past 30 years. This consumable plastic disrupts our metabolism by actually turning on a gene in your DNA, which slows metabolism causing you to gain weight. The book also discusses another danger to our health: the man-made supersugars, such as high-fructose corn syrup, which is used to sweeten almost everything these days including soft drinks. These supersugars quickly enter your bloodstream and trigger hormonal and chemical changes which induces insulin surges that tell your brain to eat more and your fat cells to store more fat. If there are substances and foods that we eat that can trigger negative results, then surly there are ways to make us healthy and loose weight. Part II of Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss gives us the keys to turn on our metabolism and fat burning genes, turn off your weight gain genes, and program your body to lose weight automatically. The book takes this even further in part III by providing menus and recipes, along with exercise and lifestyle treatments designed to create healthy metabolism and overall health. This section of the book is designed so it can be customized to meet your unique genetic needs to optimally awaken your fat-burning DNA. Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss provides a vivid road map to navigate our way back to health and fitness. And in so doing we will be successful in our quest for long-term weight loss without counting calories, fat grams or carbs. We don't have to starve ourselves; we simply need to eat in harmony with our genes. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. 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Benefits Of Rice Protein For Food Makers
The importance of Rice Proteins is making waves in the world of nutritional science. Rice, native to tropical and subtropical areas of Asia and Africa, is consumed as the primary staple food by more than half of the world's human population. As rice is a cereal grain requiring intensive labor, high quantities of rainfall and plenty of water for irrigation, it is extensively cultivated in the highly populated tropical regions of South Asia and parts of Africa. However, to meet its growing requirements worldwide, rice is grown today in different parts of the world, even on steep hillsides. Beside maize and wheat, rice is the third largest crop cultivated in different parts of the world. Especially for developing nations like those of South Asia and Africa rice also forms one of the largest exported food crops. informs you on some of the chief features of rice plants, Rice Proteins and the numerous advantages of consuming rice grains. As rice plants require large quantities of water for their cultivation and optimum growth, they are often grown in paddies where the accumulated water prevents weeds from hampering the growth of the rice crops. The excess water can be drained out once the rice crops have attained their full maturity and the harvesting works are about to be started. Since rice paddies often form the habitat of a variety of birds and amphibians, the herons and snakes prevent the crops from being infested with pests up to significant extents. After rice grains are harvested, on removing the outer husks, at first brown rice is obtained. When all the bran and germ have been removed white rice is obtained. This white rice may be then parboiled, polished or processed into flour before it is consumed as food ingredients. The food nutrients that may be lost during the milling processes are often replenished in the white rice obtained. Along with white rice, brown rice is also widely consumed in different parts of the world as a primary source of Rice Proteins. Along with the basic rice crops, the moist oily layer producing healthy oil known as rice bran is also commonly used for preparing a variety of dishes in Asian countries like Japan. The flour obtained from ground raw rice that is added to a variety of beverages like amazake, horchata and rice milk is also rich in Rice Proteins content. In this regard, mention must be made of as it informs you on some of the basic benefits of Rice Proteins. Rice forms a wholesome and nutritious health diet while providing the body with required levels of complex carbohydrates thereby helping in reducing fat intake. Being cholesterol-free, sodium-free, non-allergenic and minimum fat content, rice is easy to digest and forms a crucial part of a healthy diet. As rice is a complex carbohydrate its potential energy may be stored in the body muscles and energy can be released whenever the body feels the requirement for it. For people requiring a gluten-free diet, Rice Proteins are some of the best options compared to other protein sources. Moreover, as Rice Proteins are free from allergens present in other protein sources like soy, eggs, milk, yeasts and some other grains, they can be considered as truly hypoallergenic. Derived from natural processes of polishing and extraction, Rice Proteins, having approximately 70% protein content, are rich sources of amino acids. Modern research has revealed that, when properly processed, the amino acid profile of Rice Proteins is very similar to that found in mother's milk, one of the most nutritious food materials of the planet. Rice Proteins, compared to that of other cereal grains, is a high quality protein. Having all the eight essential amino acids necessary for building strong muscles, rice provides a major part of our body-energy. Along with rice grains, Rice Syrup, Maltose Syrup and Rice Sweeteners are also often added to different dishes as food ingredients. Organic Rice Protein, whether consumed as grains and cereals or added as Rice Protein Powder or Rice Protein Concentrates to different culinary preparations as food ingredients, is always easy to digest by the human system. tells you of some food preparations commonly prepared with rice grains as food ingredients in different parts of the world. Being fast and easy to cook neutrally flavored rice can be added to a wide variety of dishes, from preparing exotic flavored rice preparations to simple dairy desserts. Rice comes in different varieties and each variety has a characteristic flavor of its own. While some people prefer to obtain their share of Rice Proteins from dishes prepared with rice, meat and vegetables, others prefer to add rice grains as food ingredients in accompaniment to fruits and nuts to prepare delicious desserts. Because of its high nutritional values, today, rice grains and Rice Protein Powder Bulk are also added to numerous health snacks and beverages to supply the body with nutrition and energy. Along with human food, as Rice Proteins are easily digestible and have low ash content, it forms an ideal material for preparing different types of cat and dog food capable of controlling the ash content of their diet. For these reasons, along with human food, Rice Proteins are also used for preparing different types of pet food, aquatic feed, piglet feeds and calf milk replacements. 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The information in this article is not intended to provide personal medical advice, which should be obtained from a medical professional, and has not been approved by the U.S. FDA. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. 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Benefits of Organic Farming
Organic farming is a different sort of farming practice which is different from the conventional farming. With organic farming, better and healthy food ingredients can be cultivated. The whole process of organic farming is natural. Basically, the organic farmers deal with the farmlands in a much careful manner. The organic farmers spend lots of time in improving their land. Soil combination and positioning are two key ingredients of organic gardening. There are certain benefits of organic gardening. With strong commitment to the lands, the organic farmers improve the agricultural processes. Soil foundation of the food chain is the key feature of organic soil. The organic products moreover meet strict standards and as a result almost all the products are of good quality. Organic certification is the public's assurance that products have been grown and handled under persistent toxic chemical inputs. Through thorough study of these techniques, organic ingredients of better quality are achieved. Well balanced soil helps in the growth of better plants. Conventional farmers only add nitrogen. Potassium and phosphorus but the organic farmers use things like rock dust; the organic farmers use many beneficial soil organisms instead of removing them. More information is available from Organic ingredients have become popular across the nations because of its purity and healthy nature. Organic ingredients do not reduce the possibilities of any residue of herbicide, fungicide or any pesticide within the functional ingredient. Genetically, engineered products can be detrimental for the plant's health. It has been found from studies that the organic farming keeps the topsoil undisturbed and this helps in better production and crop rotation. Again by producing organic ingredient, soil poisoning can be stopped. But the fact is clear that organic farms require more labor. The food ingredients are now highly in demand, the healthy natures of these food ingredients are causes of its popularity. Food ingredients are used for preparing chocolates, snacks and various food products. Conventional farmers use chemicals which kill microscopic bacteria. Many of these bacteria enhance the plant's ability to absorb nutrients. The fillings and the frying oils, coco butter etc are some of the delicious items prepared from organic ingredients. Organic ingredients are also used for making frozen food items. The elimination of polluting chemicals and nitrogen leaching are done during soil building and along with this it prevents soil, water and air pollution. For maintaining the natural harmony, it is indeed required to maintain the ecological balance. Organic ingredients are widely used for both foods and agricultural products; nowadays, even cotton is also grown following the process. The food ingredients are now highly in demand. Functional ingredients are also highly being used for yielding better and tastier products. For further information, one can refer to the website General Disclaimer: does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the article information, content or advertisements (collectively, the "Materials") contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from any of the services contained on this website (the "Service"), nor the quality of any products, information or other materials displayed, purchased, or obtained by you as a result of an advertisement or any other information or offer in or in connection with the Service (the "Products"). You hereby acknowledge that any reliance upon any Materials shall be at your sole risk. reserves the right, in its sole discretion and without any obligation, to make improvements to, or correct any error or omissions in any portion of the Service or the Materials. The information in this article is not intended to provide personal medical advice, which should be obtained from a medical professional, and has not been approved by the U.S. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol, anabolic steroids,dbol, deca,sustanon 250, anadrol,buy sustanon, buy deca durabolin, buy anadrol, buy winstrol, buy dianabol, buy deca, buy anabolic steroids, buy dbol, buy sustanon 250, buy anadrol, anavar, winstrol, winstrol depot, clenbuterol, cytomel, primobolan, primobolan depot, equipoise Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Benefits of Fish Oil - Fish Oil and Its Benefits
Fish oil has so many wonderful healthy benefits. Eating omega-3 fish oil or oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna at least two times a week or up to four times a week is truly beneficial to your health. Here are some great benefits of fish oil: 1. Fish oil prevents heart attack - Dr Alexander Leaf and colleagues at Harvard Medical School found that eating oily fish like salmon or tuna at least twice a week could prevent a heart attack. 2. Fish oil protects against heart disease and stroke - Researchers at Southampton University found that omega-3 fish oil stops the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries, protecting against heart disease and stroke. 3. Fish oil reduces the risk of death from a sudden heart attack - Chief researcher Dr Roberto Martial, from the Consortia Mario Negroid Sod research institute in Santa Maria Embargo, Italy found that one gram daily dose of omega-3 fish oil was enough to significantly reduce the risk of death from a sudden heart attack by 42%. 4. Fish oil prevents mothers from giving birth to very small babies - The University of Bristol research team found that a mother-to-be who eats fish during the later stages of pregnancy is less likely to have a very small baby. 5. Fish oil helps with lupus symptoms - Researchers in Northern Ireland the University of Ulster found that people with the lupus disease who eat tuna, mackerel and similar fish containing omega-3 fish oil reduce their lupus symptoms. 6. Fish oil helps with prostate cancer - The Paterson Institute researchers found that a diet rich in a fat found in oily fish and some seeds may protect men with prostate cancer from developing a more aggressive form. 7. Fish oil reduces the growth of breast cancer - Researchers from Indiana University found that when mixing compounds from omega-3 fatty acids with the anaesthetic propofol, together they appeared to reduce the growth of breast cancer cells. 8. Fish oil reduces inflammation - The researchers from Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital found that a diet high in oily fish like salmon and mackerel may help improve inflammatory conditions such as arthritis; the oily fish diet worked best when combined with low aspirin doses. 9. Fish oil prevents certain symptoms of advanced cancer - Professor Kevin Fearon and colleagues at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary found that oily fish prevents cachexia - the severe wasting and weight loss associated with some types of advanced cancer. 10. Fish oil protects against asthma - The researchers at Cambridge University found that oily fish could protect against asthma. 11. Fish oil betters brain and visual development in children - Bristol University researchers found that a mother-to-be who eats oily fish is more likely to have children with better brain and vision developments. 12. Fish oil helps with chronic fatigue syndrome - Dr Basant Puri and colleagues at Hammersmith Hospital in London found that taking omega-3 fish oil supplements may help to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with the chronic fatigue syndrome. In conclusion, the benefits of fish oil are tremendous for your health. If you want to lead a healthy life, maybe it's time for you to start eating oily fish containing omega-3 oils now. For a good health, The Food Standards Agency suggests that we eat oily fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel or omega-3 fish oil up to four times weekly 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol, anabolic steroids,dbol, deca,sustanon 250, anadrol,buy sustanon, buy deca durabolin, buy anadrol, buy winstrol, buy dianabol, buy deca, buy anabolic steroids, buy dbol, buy sustanon 250, buy anadrol, anavar, winstrol, winstrol depot, clenbuterol, cytomel, primobolan, primobolan depot, equipoise Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Don't Buy your Juice - Make it
Remember a few years ago when the only juice you could find at the store was V8 and a selection of citrus juices? Now you can practically spend an hour in the store just deciding from which juice to choose. There’s protein juice blends, antioxidant blends, blueberry, apple, pomegranate, blends with green tea added. Not only do you have all the different types of juices and juice blends, but you have the different brands to choose from. And, don’t think it’s cheap. You can easily spend over $4 for just one 16 oz. bottle. Now, imagine if you can take that $4 and, instead of spending it on the expensive store-bought juice, save it for your own juicer where you can make your own fresh juice each day. It may take a few months of savings to do it, but in the long run you’d not only be saving money, but also drinking a higher-quality product, your own fresh fruit and vegetable juice. How healthy is juice? To get to the heart of why juice is good for you, it’s important to note that cooking can cause the loss of up to 97% of water-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Therefore, fresh juice from raw fruits and vegetables provides you with more vitamins and minerals, as well as protein, carbohydrates, and essential fatty acids that can be absorbed quickly and efficiently. Fresh juice also contains necessary enzymes, and pigments such as carotenes, chlorophyll, and flavonoids. In addition, juicing helps jump-start your body's digestive process and enables quick absorption of high-quality nutrition, which can result in increased energy. Did you notice what word kept popping up in the above paragraphs? “Fresh.” Sure you can go to the store and buy the prepared bottled juices. But, a bottle of juice that’s been sitting for days on a store shelf isn’t exactly fresh, now is it? Some research suggests that the enzyme activity in juice just 30 minutes old is almost one-half that of freshly-juiced juices. Also, with fresh juicing there are no preservatives or processing that strips most of the energy from the fruit. Your juice is as fresh as the fruits and vegetables you started with. Now, in case you were thinking you would just dust off the old blender and make your juice with it, take note: A blender just isn’t the same thing. To get all the benefits of juicing fruits and vegetables, you need to be able to process all parts of the food – including seeds, stems, peels and pulp. That’s where all the vitamins are. A blender just can’t do that effectively. But, aren’t juicers expensive? Certainly some can be. You can buy a LEquip Pulp Ejector for just over $100, which is a great budget juicer to buy. If you have a little more money to spend, the Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite is considered one of the best juicers at just under $300. Other juicer brands you might want to take a look at include Omega and Champion. It is important to note that juicing does remove the fiber from nutrient-dense foods. So be sure to include fiber-rich foods in your daily diet. Juicing should be a complement to a well-balanced healthy diet, never a substitute. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol, anabolic steroids,dbol, deca,sustanon 250, anadrol,buy sustanon, buy deca durabolin, buy anadrol, buy winstrol, buy dianabol, buy deca, buy anabolic steroids, buy dbol, buy sustanon 250, buy anadrol, anavar, winstrol, winstrol depot, clenbuterol, cytomel, primobolan, primobolan depot, equipoise Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Do you Need to Rebuild your Inner Eco System
The Body Ecology Program True Healing Takes Time Are you committed to rebuilding your health in a slow and gradual process? I have simplified and broken down the Body Ecology program into steps that can be easily implemented and followed. Stage 1 B.E The first stage can be looked at as a pyramid, there are three key facets to this stage. If you were to draw a triangle you may put CORRECT DIGESTION in the bottom left hand corner, then you would draw a line going to the right and you would write CREATE ENERGY, then linking the two up to the top centre of the pyramid you would write CLEANSE. These three key facets are the vital ingredients to build a healthy foundation in which to create true health on. Without this foundation or with a poor foundation you would not be able to get well. It would be like building a house made with sticks, stones, and maybe a few bricks. You can not get well, unless you have these three building blocks in place. What is on stage 1 of the program: Cultured Foods Young Coconut Kefir, including young coconut kefir cheese Goals of stage 1: This stage is the stage that you should be cleansing your colon. Correcting digestion by healing and restoring the inflamed gut Eating easy to digest liquid food Developing a positive attitude towards food, and your body 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol, anabolic steroids,dbol, deca,sustanon 250, anadrol,buy sustanon, buy deca durabolin, buy anadrol, buy winstrol, buy dianabol, buy deca, buy anabolic steroids, buy dbol, buy sustanon 250, buy anadrol, anavar, winstrol, winstrol depot, clenbuterol, cytomel, primobolan, primobolan depot, equipoise Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Do Not Allow An Extended Stay Away From Home to Disrupt a Nu
Nutrition plans are most important for diabetics, the obese and those recovering from high blood pressure. Folk recovering from long spells of illness and those advised to put on weight need to eat and drink to a plan as well. It is easier to stick with a nutrition plan when eating out of known kitchens, than to choose from exotic restaurant menus on a long trip away from home, either on vacation or on a long business trip. The joys of a fine meal from an entirely new school of cuisine can quickly turn in to a nightmare, as the number of days away from the comforting security of home food and the family dining table grow. Most people are quick to start counting their blessings of the loving care of a spouse who keeps tabs on calories and recommended daily intakes, when left to fend on their own in a strange place! Having to choose meals from lavish buffet tables, or from menus which are not in English, can wreck a nutrition plan beyond repair! It need not be so. Just as a nutrition expert plans meals for patients convalescing in hospital, you too can eat well and wisely in a foreign place. It does need a bit of prior planning and research though! Working on how you will stay with the essentials of your nutrition plan can make the anticipation of your sojourn in a new place all the more exciting! You can always ask the nutrition and diet expert to work things out for you, but you may well find that it is fun to work on at least parts of the plan on your own. Here are some tips on how you can eat and drink well in a new place without affecting the calorie values and nutrition balance of your diet: 1. Separate socializing and experimenting from the serious business of eating meals! Take tiny portions of food which you do not know, when you are with friends and associates. People may force you to taste exotic dishes, the exchange values of which you do not know. You may also wish to sample attractive plating out of sheer curiosity. This is fine, but keep a stock of packaged foods which are either ready to eat, or which can be just heated and served. Make it a point to build a sufficient inventory of familiar food with comprehensive labeling before you leave town. Eat regular meals of known calorie and nutrition values on the sly, on your own, before or after every social meal. Hosts may feel hurt if they come to know, but your health counts for more than their feelings! Besides, you can always present your special health condition as a justification for carrying your own food. It is really no different from carrying your own clothes on a trip! 2. Foods to choose: barbecues and all forms of food preparation that are finished in your presence, are best when it comes to social eating in a strange place. You can always ask the chef to go easy with the oil or fat and the spices as well! Hot, freshly prepared food is safe and relatively nutritious, no matter where you are in the world! Large portions of vegetables and small ones of white meat, with a variety of local seasoning, should see you through a long session of dining with little harm to your overall diet for the day. Do take small morsels in your mouth at a time, and chew on them like a cow, to make your plate last for ever! Join in every snatch of conversation, so that there is little time left to gorge on any delicious stuff! 3. The best beverages: you simply cannot go wrong with herbal tea, since roasted coffee beans of the kind you get at home, are rare. Each community has its own way of brewing coffee, and some milky and sugary tastes take time to acquire! Do keep a pack of sugar substitute globules in a pocket, for the brand that suits your palate may not be globally distributed. Sampling wine is great if you are in France, California or Long Island, but it is diplomatically wise to opt to nurse a beer in the midst of upstarts who think that they know their wine! Unsweetened fruit juice is fair game by day, but be wary of squashes and concentrates diluted with water of uncertain quality. Make it a point to hydrate your body with all the reliable bottled water you can find when you cross time zones, for it will help you overcome the stress with speed. This is especially important when you take a trans-continental flight, spending many hours in a chamber with compressed and heated air. 4. Red lights: it is common knowledge to stay away from stale food, but attractive plates of cold cuts and fresh salads may hide denizens of microscopic bugs that can play havoc with your digestion. Each community acquires a degree of immunity to local microbes, but that is a part of ethnic culture that you do not need to imbibe! Scurrying to the toilet can be a most embarrassing and inconvenient disappointment to the most eagerly awaited trip to a new place; every precaution to avoid this is worth your while. Stay away from thick gravies, no matter which genre of cuisine you encounter, and steel yourself to use the smallest dessert spoons anywhere, if you cannot resist the dessert. Straight to coffee after an entrĂ©e is the way to go! 5. Correcting excess: there is no perfection in life, and it is human to err. The longest sermon can be forgotten in the right surroundings, and a persuasive host or hostess may break the strongest resolve! How do you atone for sinful eating? Skip regular diet that you have packed as we discussed earlier, to make up for indulgences that you could not avoid. Make up with fluids though, for your body still needs plenty of water when dealing with a skipped meal. A pack of high fiber biscuits will always come in handy, as will fresh fruit which has been duly washed and cleaned. Remember that a heavy meal takes time and effort to digest, so you will need at least one extra hour for sleep ‘the night after'. Low intensity, long duration exercise in fresh air, works wonders as well! Long trips away from home, whether for pleasure or business, are important for us to achieve important goals in life. Planning to keep your nutrition in good order is amongst the most important things that should be on your agenda. Expert advice, careful thought and a detailed shopping list for your supermarket, will last you years of good health, and could be your most valuable investment in the forthcoming event. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol, anabolic steroids,dbol, deca,sustanon 250, anadrol,buy sustanon, buy deca durabolin, buy anadrol, buy winstrol, buy dianabol, buy deca, buy anabolic steroids, buy dbol, buy sustanon 250, buy anadrol, anavar, winstrol, winstrol depot, clenbuterol, cytomel, primobolan, primobolan depot, equipoise Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Digestion - Simple Tips to Increase Energy & Avoid Illne
Are you so busy that you rush your food and snatch meals when you can? Are you rushing your eating so much that it simply is not enjoyable? Well if you do you will have poor digestion and this can be the cause of low energy levels and more seriously can cause a number of illnesses including: Abdominal pain, inflammation, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, yeast infections and allergies can then occur. So if you want to avoid illness and get more energy take a look at your digestion and improve it with these simple tips. 1. Chew Your Food Try and take smaller bites when you eat and chew slowly. Thoroughly chew your food which allows amylase, the digestive enzyme present in saliva, to breakdown and digest the food properly. 2. Get More Fiber Fiber is essential for healthy digestion and to cleanse the gut by keeping food moving through it; however most people simply don't get enough of it. Aim for 25 - 30 grams per day (the average for most adults is just 8grams) fiber rich foods include strawberries, apples, brown rice, chick peas, potatoes (with skins) figs, dates and prunes. As a bonus eating fibre is a great way to lose weight as it fills you up and curbs hunger pangs. 3. Beans and legumes If you don't have time to cook dried beans, buy canned, but make sure you rinse them before cooking. Lentils and split peas are less gas-forming than other legumes and are a great choice. Ground flaxseeds are a gentle laxative. They are very useful for chronic constipation, damage to the intestine wall from laxative use, irritable bowels, and to soothe inflammation. Sprinkle ground flaxseeds on any of your meals to make sure you get enough. 3. Good Gut Bacteria There are over 400 different kinds of bacteria and yeasts in your digestive system. Of these, the bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum are considered good. "probiotic" bacteria because the help to maintain overall intestinal health. Although good bacteria can be found in some yogurt, there is a wide variation in quality, so play it safe and look for good quality organic yogurt Supplements containing acidophilus and bifidobacteria can be found in most health food stores. They are especially helpful for the following conditions: Irritable bowel syndrome Diarrhea Bloating, flatulence and gas Vaginal yeast infections 4. Supplement to Restore Digestive Health Enteric-Coated Peppermint Oil Peppermint oil can reduce abdominal pain and bloating and you can take it naturally or simply buying it as a supplement. Digestive Enzymes Enzyme supplements are believed to support the body's own digestive enzymes to aid digestion and help with other problems stemming from poor digestion. Vitmain B12 Stomach acid naturally declines with age. Too little acid can cause low vitamin B12 and folic acid levels you may want to consider a B12 supplement to help restore balance. . 5. Drink plenty of water We can't live without water! We need it to live and you need to get plenty of it. Drink 2 3 liters a day for hydration and to flush out impurities from the body. Take care of ypur digestive system and It will take care of you! If you want to avoid illness, have more energy and have better looking skin, follow the above tips. There simple and easy to do, so look after your digestion today. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol, anabolic steroids,dbol, deca,sustanon 250, anadrol,buy sustanon, buy deca durabolin, buy anadrol, buy winstrol, buy dianabol, buy deca, buy anabolic steroids, buy dbol, buy sustanon 250, buy anadrol, anavar, winstrol, winstrol depot, clenbuterol, cytomel, primobolan, primobolan depot, equipoise Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Differences Between Vegetarian and Raw Food Diets
There are a few distinct differences between vegetarian and raw food diets. Basically, a vegetarian is someone who is committed to not eat meat, fish, poultry or any animal products, but only consumes vegetables, pasta, and rice. On the other hand, a raw foodist is a vegetarian, but one who eats unprocessed, uncooked, organic, whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, nuts seeds, legumes, dried fruits, seaweeds, etc. It denotes a diet that is at least 75% uncooked! Raw foodist cooks very little and definitely doesn’t cook or process fruits and vegetables. Raw foodist simply eats them raw. Raw foodist, vegans and frutarians are some of the different categories of vegetarians. Yes, raw foodist is a category of vegetarianism as mentioned earlier. However, to be a raw food purist, you should eat raw vegetables like raw broccoli, not steamed. To a vegetarian, who doesn’t eat meat or fish or any animal products, steamed vegetables are just as good, though every person would concur that steaming can take out nutrients from foods and turn them into less nutritious. A vegetarian might consume dairy or egg products but a vegan will not consume any animal products at all. The raw foodist then is a vegan who consumes only uncooked, unprocessed raw foods. Enzymes are the life force of a food and that every food has its own perfect combination as believed by raw food diet advocates. These enzymes help us digest foods completely, without relying on our body to produce its own cocktail of digestive enzymes. The cooking process is thought to destroy food enzymes. It can take so much of the basic nutritional value away. Other than that, cooked foods not only take any longer to digest, but they also let the partially digested fats, proteins and carbohydrates to block our gut and arteries. Below are some health benefits cited by the raw diet followers: • Improved digestion • Increased energy levels • Reduced risk of heart diseased • Improved appearance of skin • Weight loss 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol, anabolic steroids,dbol, deca,sustanon 250, anadrol,buy sustanon, buy deca durabolin, buy anadrol, buy winstrol, buy dianabol, buy deca, buy anabolic steroids, buy dbol, buy sustanon 250, buy anadrol, anavar, winstrol, winstrol depot, clenbuterol, cytomel, primobolan, primobolan depot, equipoise Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Friday, February 8, 2008
Energy Diet - Feel Lively Healthy & Happier!
Do you often feel tired drained and lacking in energy? Well follow our energy diet tips below and you will be full of energy, healthy and approach the day with renewed vigor. The energy diet tips are easy to use, so let's look at them. A change of diet is the simplest way to boost energy levels and this means you need to: 1. Eliminate Energy Sapping Foods Firstly, energy draining foods such as sugar, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes should be reduced or eliminated altogether. 2. Eat naturally from the earth Get rid of energy sapping processed foods and go for fresh natural produce. Make sure you eat good carbs such as brown rice, pasta and baked potatoes and get rid of the fries and pizza! Make sure the meat you eat is lean. Great choices are: Steak, turkey, chicken and fish. Saturated fats and salt should be eliminated or cut down and good fats containing omega 3 from oily fish, should be consumed at least 3 5 times a week. Great choices are salmon, mackerel and sardines. 3. Eat 5 meals a day You need to start eating 5 meals a day, so your energy levels don't flag and you will not suffer from hunger pangs. Make sure you eat breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day. 6. Get extra Iron for energy Eating to little iron can make you feel exhausted, so make sure you get iron rich food in your diet everyday. Good choices include: Lean red meats, eggs, fortified breakfast bran, sardines, dried apricots, crab and dark green leafy vegetables. 7. Up your protein for extra focus Protein rich food like fish, meat and tofu are proven to improve focus so get daily portions. Make sure your lunch is protein rich as it will help you avoid that flagging feeling in the afternoon. 8. Eat bright fruits for a quick pick me up Brightly colored fruit is proven to send energy messages to the brain. For a great sack combine apples, strawberries raspberries and apricots for an instant pick me up. You can incorporate the above into your daily diet and you will feel more energetic and able to face the day with renewed enthusiasm. Always remember your body is a whole and you also need to ensure that to feel energetic you also need the following: 9. Get proper sleep Make sure you get at least 8 hours sleep per night. Your body needs time to replenish itself and sleeping is essential to boost overall energy levels. 10. Move your body You may not have time for the gym, but you don't have to go to the gym to be healthy. When you walk, walk quickly, skip the elevator and use the stairs instead, or do the housework as a workout. Your body will respond to this and you energy levels are guaranteed to increase. 11. Take time out Finally, take 30 minutes a day to relax and just think. Mediate and get away from all distractions and loose yourself in your thoughts. If you have lack of time do it in the bath just relax for 30 minutes in silence and think of you. Energy for life! We all need energy and all the above tips are easy enough to do so try them today. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol, anabolic steroids,dbol, deca,sustanon 250, anadrol,buy sustanon, buy deca durabolin, buy anadrol, buy winstrol, buy dianabol, buy deca, buy anabolic steroids, buy dbol, buy sustanon 250, buy anadrol, anavar, winstrol, winstrol depot, clenbuterol, cytomel, primobolan, primobolan depot, equipoise Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
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